
CPF Accounts Simplified

Getting to know more about the CPF family. An introduction to all the CPF accounts and their purposes.

Personal Finance, Real Estate Investing, Spending & Saving, Uncategorized

Why You Should Pay For Your HDB With CPF

One article showed up in my feed one fine afternoon: Why you should not pay for your HDB with CPF Naturally, I clicked because I am a believer in paying for your HDB with CPF. Maybe I might get converted to the pay-with-cash camp. The Summary of The Article "Why you should not pay for… Continue reading Why You Should Pay For Your HDB With CPF

Investing, Uncategorized

Building A Dimensional Fund Style Portfolio With ETFs

Dimensional funds are quant-type funds focused on capturing the risk premium of small-cap, value and profitability. However, Dimensional funds are only accessible by financial advisors or roboadvisors here in Singapore. I offer ETF alternatives to build a portfolio similar to Dimensional funds.